
This article is in a way a summary of some of the most important things I have tried to teach on Sunday mornings during the month of March.
In our sermon from March 16, we saw from the Scriptures 2 things that put us in position to experience the manifest presence of God when we meet together.
- Personal Holiness
- Passionate Worship
Why do you show up to church on Sundays?
Perhaps the list of reasons could be long, but at its core should be the desire to experience the presence of God together with the church body.
This is the question of expectation.
Are we expecting God to show up when we meet together? Or is it just church as usual where we do our social thing then go out to eat?
What does it mean to meet in expectation?
1. You come looking for God to speak to you.
It is a very good thing to hope and expect that God will change people’s hearts! We should always want to see God’s work in other people’s lives! We should want to see others saved, disciple, called, etc.
But you must come expecting that God will speak to you. You must come expecting that God wants to wrestle with your heart! You must come willing to respond to God yourself.
The message isn’t for the person in the next pew over. The message is for you. God’s work isn’t only for young people or the new-to-church, but God’s work is for those who have been in the church for 50 years!
2. You come knowing that you must respond to God when he works.
We will move in 1 of 2 directions in response to God. We will either move towards him or away from him. There is no neutrality towards God when he is working, speaking, moving. There are no fence sitters. Each of us will choose to move our hearts towards him or harden against him.
I want to encourage you to put your “yes” on the table now, and come ready this Sunday. Come ready to move towards God in response to him.
Hebrews 4:7 warns us, “Today if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts.”
There is always the danger of a hardened heart! We must always make sure we move towards God when he speaks to us.
Come ready this Sunday!!!