Basic Info for Guests

We're really glad you've taken a few minutes to swing by the online home of Bethlehem Baptist.  We are a Southern Baptist congregation founded in 1872 on the beautiful Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee. We'd really love to see you on a Sunday, and here's a few things you can expect when you visit us for the first time.

Friendly People

Seriously, we're just regular people and we are really excited that you're interested in stopping by!  Don't worry, we won't point you out from the stage or make you stand up.  We'll make you feel welcome, not awkward.

Love of Christ

Here's the bottom line: We're friendly because we love people.  The Lord Jesus showed us perfect love and he's given us the command to love each other.  You should expect to experience the love of Christ when you join us.

Got Questions???

1. What are your beliefs and denominational affiliations?

We are a Southern Baptist congregation.  We stand firmly in the middle of the river of historic Christian doctrinal confession.  We believe that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God and that salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.  We affirm a doctrinal statement called the Baptist Faith & Message.  Read the simplified version and the long version.


2. Do I have to dress up?

If you want to, but we are not a fancy dressed church at all.  We are a modern country church and most people dress in a comfortable and relaxed manner.  The bottom line is this:  We come together to worship Jesus.


3. What ministries are there for children / teenagers, and will my kids be safe here?

We want you to know that all adults who work with children or teenagers are required to pass background checks before they are allowed to serve.  We also have a policy that requires a minimum of two adults to be present in the room at all times.  We have a security team that is present and active during all our meeting times.


Sunday Mornings - We have children's and youth Sunday School groups at 9:00am on Sunday mornings.  All nursery and preschool kids stay in children's ministry during worship service.


Sunday Nights - We have mission-focused programs (RAs and GAs) for our elementary kids and Bible study for our teenagers.  These programs run simultaneously with our adult worship service from 6:00 - 7:00pm.


Wednesday Nights - From 5:15-6:00 we have dinner available and then 6:00-7:30 we have children's and youth ministries.  We have AWANA Kids and Teenagers Ministry for kids ages 2 years through 12th grade during the school year.  See our Youth Ministry page for more about the teenagers.