How to Bless Others - People Skills (part 1)

Posted on April 9, 2014.
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Perhaps one of the most lacking things in our world today is “people skills”  From the Christian point-of-view, people skills are simply how to interact with others in a way that blesses them for the sake of Christ.  Lifting others up is part of being Christian.

We know the Golden Rule – “Whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them” – Matthew 7:12 (ESV)

From the perspective of representing Christ and representing Bethlehem Baptist, this is important because we may only have one chance to make that representation so we must be ready at all times.  There is much on the line with our attitudes and words!

Here’s a few ways to bless other people and improve your people skills.


1. Get rid of negative talk.

"Do all things without grumbling or disputing." Philippians 2:14 (ESV)

Complaining, gossiping, arguing, etc. always make you look like a petty, small person.  People easily smell that out and tend to react poorly to negative talk.  Having a negative mouth is no way to represent Christ or the church. 


2. Be an encourager.

"Therefore encourage one another and build one other up..." 1 Thessalonians 5:11 (ESV)

Look for the good in other people.  People are used to their mistakes, disappointments, and failures being pointed out by bosses, coworkers, friends, and family.  Let’s be different.  Choose to overlook those things and point out the good.  Show people that they are valuable. If it’s a first time guest at church, express your excitement and gratitude for their choice of worshiping with us.  Be an encourager and an affirmer.


3. Listen well.

“Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak…” James 1:19 (ESV)

Make an effort to listen to everything that the other person is saying. People want to know that when they are talking, you are listening.  Look a person in the eyes when they are talking to you.  Restate what they’ve said so they know you’re listening.


4. Show gratitude.

“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (ESV)

In the world, people are so used to being used by others.  The world has a “use people to get things” mentality.  We must be different.  We must have a “use things to bless people” mentality. When someone's effort or work or presence or words blesses you, let them know that you appreciate it.  Show gratitude!


5. Remember names.

I don’t have a Bible verse for this one.  It’s just good sense.  People love it when you remember their name.  When you meet someone and they tell you their name, immediately repeat it back to them.  Say their name several times to yourself after you leave the conversation with them.  When a person visits a church for a second time, they should hear their name!  It let’s them know we care.  You be the one to make the effort to remember!